Magical Countdown Clock is a great utility which allows you to set a countdown alarm for any important event. You can set the time until the new episode of your favorite show, until your birthday, until a big game or until your next vacation. You could also use this application everyday to count how many hours of work left. The program will count down the time including each millisecond which makes it look really accurate and makes it feel like the time is running really fast. The program graphic interface is really small so it won't bother you at all. To bring up the configuration menu, you only have to click right on the countdown clock and click on the 'Configuration' menu. Then you can adjust the time (year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds) and customize the alarm music. As you can see, the program is really easy to use. However, there is a help menu that will teach you how to set the countdown.
Registered users will be able to customize the alarm music played once the countdown is over. They will also be able to customize the skin of the graphic interface.